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Rose in The Flick

Paige Picard

Paige has been acting in the North Bay Area since a young age. She's worked primarily at the 6th Street Playhouse and the Santa Rosa Junior College before leaving to study at NYU. During her time at the SRJC, she was an Irene Ryan finalist at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF). She has appeared at Left Edge in This Random World, You Got Older and The Realistic Joneses since returning to Santa Rosa from New York City, where she completed her bachelors degree in history and dramatic literature. Paige is an active play reader. Living in New York City ignited Paige's passion for new plays, so she was thrilled to find Left Edge Theatre after returning home.

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producing a full season of left- leaning, thought-provoking, local premiers of contemporary plays

a resident company of The California Theatre, 528 7th Street Santa Rosa, CA


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