Beautiful Monsters
Written by Kelly Gray
Directed by Argo Thompson
Featuring Taylor Diffenderfer, John Browning, Zach Hasbany, Grace Kent and Jackie Threlfal
A fascinating take on 2020, using music, dance and words to powerfully articulate what we’ve learned, what we’ve lost, and the human connection we all so desperately need to continue.
This is an obituary, year 2020. This obituary is for two lovers who had never touched. A story not possible till this very moment in time. A smashing of old fashion gallantry and high-tech sex, the impossible fuck, the plague infected love story of The Q, told on every forum of communication except the forum of flesh.
The Writer / The Woman: Taylor Diffenderfer
Actor / The Man: John Browning
Actor / The Musician / The Butcher: Zach Hasbany
Actor / The Dancer / The Young Woman: Grace Kent
Actor / The Usher / The Girl: Jackie Threfall
Director: Argo Thompson
Stage Manager: Vicki Martinez
Musical Direction: Anthony Martinez
Choreography: Kimberly Kalember
Set Designer: Argo Thompson
Lighting Designer: April George
Sound Designer: Argo Thompson
Costume Designer: Sandra Ish
Asst Stage Manager / Set Decorations: Kat Motley
Sound Design: Joe Winkler